Our Welding seniors. Skills galore and bright careers ahead in this bunch! #careertechohio #skillsmatter
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
Welding seniors (group)
Our Engineering & Computer Integrated Design program seniors are looking good. #skillsmatter #careertechohio
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
ECI program seniors
The Physical Therapy and Exercise Science students have started administering fitness tests to our Criminal Justice cadets. I am sure the cadets are grateful…or they will be when they are trained up and prepared for next steps! Love the collaboration between programs!
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
students taking fitness test
students taking fitness test
Our own Dr. Malainy participated in a Career Tech Superintendent's Roundtable with Lt. Governor Jon Husted recently. There was some excellent discussion about the successes, challenges, and future of career tech education. We are always innovating and advocating for career tech education, and the many benefits it offers.
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
JM and the Lt. Gov
Woman listening
An Advanced CNC & Robotic Integration student working on his measurement hands on final. He is using a dial depth gauge to inspect a part’s several bore diameter depths, and recording his findings. #skillsmatter
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
CNC student measuring
Recently caught these two Diesel students helping a visitor to our campus change a tire that unexpectedly went flat. Appreciate their willingness to help, and for demonstrating the value of career tech in real time! 😊 #skillsmatter #careertechohio
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
changing a tire
Physical Therapy & Exercise Science seniors recently taught some students from the ITEC program how to properly lift a box, as many of them have a work placement at Rural King and have to do that sort of activity daily. Love seeing the collaboration. #skillsmatter
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
lifting a box correctly
The Teaching Careers seniors are geared up. The preschool has opened, and their day to day has gotten even busier, and a little louder! :) #skillsmatter #careertechohi
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
Teaching program seniors
Making sure that everything is in order and in its proper place is no small skill. He has got everything where he needs it in our Diesel program's lab. #skillsmatter #careertechohio
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
Diesel toolbox
The secondary Cosmetology seniors are running a September special. Check it out!
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
Sept. specials
Our Pre-Engineering class at Licking Valley Middle School was working on a foot orthotic project. The creativity and cleverness on display here is awesome! #skillsmatter #careertechohio
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
Ortho project
Ortho project
Ortho project
Ortho project
Our Cosmetology juniors recently asked for some models so they could practice basic manicures. Lots of family and friends were willing to volunteer. Awesome! #skillsmatter #careertechohio
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
COS & Manis
COS & Manis
COS & Manis
He is focused and making sure it is correct in our postsecondary Adv. CNC & Robotic Integration lab. #skillsmatter
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
male working on CNC machine
Robotics and Automated Manufacturing students enjoyed a unique manner of learning lab and equipment safety. They had a Safety Scavenger Hunt. Clever idea!
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
RAM safety exercise
RAM safety exercise
C-TEC is proud to be one of 51 Ohio Technical Centers, the educational providers offering adult learners the training & credentials for the most in-demand jobs and a direct path to employability. Learn more at ohiotechnicalcenters.com #FastTrackOhio
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
OTC flyer
Never forget!
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
Sept 11
Our Postsecondary Center does an amazing job with customized training. We are proud to be trusted by local business and industry to meet this vital need.
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
Customized flyer
Dental Assisting seniors have officially begun their radiology unit! The end result is earning their X-ray license! Keep at it young people! #skillsmatter #careertechohio
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
students working on radiology unit
students working on radiology unit
students working on radiology unit
They seem to work on everything in our Diesel and Power Equipment Mechanics program’s lab. Investigate the problem- figure out the solution - apply the solution. #skillsmatter #careertechohio
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
DPM male students working
DPM male students working
DPM male students working
Our Criminal Justice juniors have been excited to be here. It has been a good first few weeks for them! #skillsmatter #careertechohio
almost 2 years ago, C-TEC
CJ Juniors class photo