Some of our Construction Technology students were able to visit & tour Gilbane, Inc. We appreciate their time and for talking to our students about the industry! #skillsmatter
about 1 year ago, C-TEC
CT at Gilbane
This is what our postsecondary Power Line students call teamwork! #skillsmatter
about 1 year ago, C-TEC
PL teamwork
PL teamwork
New position in our Postsecondary Center!
about 1 year ago, C-TEC
job posting
On this Veteran's Day we give our sincere appreciation to all who have served in the American Armed Forces. Special thanks to our staff who have served.
about 1 year ago, C-TEC
Vet's day
Fiftieth Flashback Friday. Found this sweet memory with our former therapy dog Ripken and a Clinical Care student. We miss Ripken around here.
about 1 year ago, C-TEC
Ripken and female student
Full time job in our Postsecondary Center
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
job posting
Our school resource officer, Deputy Thomsen, let some Cosmetology students practice manicure skills. All in a day’s work. #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Thomsen mani
Part time job in our secondary center.
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
job posting
Enrolling now. 2 days a week for 7 weeks!
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
phlebo flyer
Environmental Science students were working on atom model projects. Love how the Construction students used wood , Electrical students used wires, etc. Using tools and items that they are acquainted with.
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Atom models
Atom models
Students in our Veterinary Science program were learning about equine equipment. #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
VS equine equipment
Our recent Community Open House and 50th Anniversary was a great event. So cool to see so many former students and employees on hand. And a great night of meeting those in the community who value what we do here. Looking forward to next year already!
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Fiftieth Flashback Friday. Students in the Office Education Association. We assume this is from the late 70s or early 80s?
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Office association students
200+ C-TEC students met with ten local manufacturers recently to learn about the science and careers behind their products. What a great day! A huge thank you to our partners who participated and engaged our students. #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Manufacturing day
Manufacturing day
Some pictures from our junior Cosmetology program's latest "Guest Day." Our students get practice and the guests get free services. Win/Win! #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
COS guest day
2 days. Morning & Evening options. AM Option 9am - 1pm PM Option 4pm - 8pm November 14 & 16 Call 740.364.2333 with questions or to sign up.
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Aspire flyer
Junior Medical Assistant students learning the art of sterile glove application. #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
MA jrs
Secondary Fire/EMT students, preparing to do their thing! #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Fire students
Fiftieth Flashback Friday. Check out this pic from the old Medical Academy.
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
medical academy
We love this pic from our recent Community Open House. The Criminal Justice students were recruiting them early for the program.
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
CJ recruiting