Ms. Swick's first year teaching our brand new Veterinary Science program is almost complete. Congrats to her on a successful first year leading a brand new program.
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Amanda teaching
Seniors Ashley Kiefer and Nathan Streby were presented scholarships at the Granville Rotary recently for their academic achievements and commitment to community service. Congrats to both!
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Granville Rotary
Postsecondary CNC & Robotics instructor Noah Cooksey is in his element when teaching. A great instructor for our adult students! #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Noah teaching
Senior Medical Assisting students recently participated in the OSU Anatomy Outreach Program. Looks like they had a good time.
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
MA seniors at OSU
Fire/EMT seniors working with flammable liquids. Always up to something in that program! #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Fire fighting
A benefit of being in a Licensed Massage Therapy program is that sometimes your classmates have to practice on you. These Postsecondary students are helping each other out as they learn techniques. #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
LMT students
Our Dental Assisting program wrapped up their annual game drive to donate to Karis' Cause, to provide games for kids and families on the Oncology floor at Nationwide Children's Hospital. A small effort to help those families during a difficult process.
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
We have reached that time of year where it is difficult to keep seniors focused on directions. Mrs. Calesaric told the Physical Therapy seniors, “Face the same direction as me, and look at the guy with the camera.” They gave it their best effort. Mrs. C is at a loss. :)
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Studnents facing away from camera
Sometimes you deal with tires in Automotive Technologies. Kinda goes with the territory :) #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Tire work
Tire work
Proud of our Licking Heights High School STNA program! Well done!
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
STNA results
C-TEC’s Postsecondary Center hosted the Central Ohio Manufacturing Partnership (COMP) recently. The highlight of the meeting was that this group of manufacturing partners got to hear from the COMP pilot automation and robotics program students, who all received full-ride scholarships to this new program!
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Medical Assisting junior Blake Norman had a “willing” volunteer in Ms. Snow as he practiced some of the necessary skills for his program.
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
Ms. Snow
Congrats to our latest round of graduates from our postsecondary Licensed Massage Therapy program. Proud of you and your hard work. Best of luck as you take your next steps! #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
LMT grads
Open House for our postsecondary Registered Medical Assisting program. May 23! Come learn about the opportunities with this program. #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
RMA Open House flyer
Enjoyed catching this moment of fun & instruction between Electronic & Computer Technology instructor Matt Welkie and one of his students. #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
ECT teacher
Congratulations to the senior Dental Assisting class for 100% passage on the Registered Dental Assistant exam! Well done, all! #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
DA seniors
Congrats to the students in our business classes at Granville who qualified for the national DECA Conference in Orlando. They have recently returned, and had a great time. Looking forward to next year already.
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
DECA students
Digital Design & Interactive Media instructor Darren Kennedy talks through a project with a student. Lots of creative young people in this program. #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
DK teaching
Ignoring any distraction, focused on what she needs to be doing in our Electronic and Computer Technology lab. #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
female ECT student
Dental Assisting juniors creating teeth out of play doh. They had to crest a tooth with the anatomy that they have been studying! Clever lesson. #skillsmatter
over 1 year ago, C-TEC
DA tooth model
DA tooth model