Fiftieth flashback. Former English teacher Marie Daniels officiated the wedding (this past October) of two of her former students, Cassandra Milligan and Brandon Hill. The photo is Marie with bride Cassandra (Architecture Engineering & Design), husband Brandon (Auto Body) and Kevin Whitney, best man (Firefighting). What a fun C-TEC connection!
8 months ago, C-TEC
alum wedding
Our Postsecondary Center has a part time job opening.
8 months ago, C-TEC
Job in PS
C-TEC: Today is Friday January 19th. C-TEC high school is closed due to weather conditions.
8 months ago, C-TEC
Learning to tape wrists in the Physical Therapy & Exercise Science program. #skillsmatter
8 months ago, C-TEC
taping wrists
A long shot of the doings in our postsecondary power line program. Next group starts in April. #skillsmatter
8 months ago, C-TEC
PL longshot
Our Clinical Care students earning their LPN head off to COTC for their first biology class/lab. Awesome. #skillsmatter
8 months ago, C-TEC
LPN kids
It is not all glamour in the Criminal Justice program. Sometimes you just gotta polish your boots.
8 months ago, C-TEC
Boy polishes a boot
Caught this Construction Technology junior learning his trade in the lab recently. #skillsmatter
8 months ago, C-TEC
CT junior working
Fiftieth Flashback Friday. A picture of our administration and board of education from years ago. We appreciate those who have led our district through the years.
8 months ago, C-TEC
Board of Ed
It’s not all glamorous in the culinary world. Sometimes you have to wash the dishes. The same applies to everyday life too!
8 months ago, C-TEC
washing dishes
Congratulations to the postsecondary Power Line class of 2023! Proud of them all! #skillsmatter
8 months ago, C-TEC
PL class of 2023
Practice makes perfect in the Medical Assisting lab. #skillsmatter
8 months ago, C-TEC
The secondary center is on a 2-hour delay, Tuesday January 9th.
8 months ago, C-TEC
Announcing a new program/pathway in our Postsecondary Center. Starting March 11th- Automation & Electrical Controls.
8 months ago, C-TEC
Automation flyer
Learning how to work with tires in the Automotive Technologies program. #skillsmatter.
8 months ago, C-TEC
AUT & tires
Fiftieth Flashback Friday. This is a pic of a current Postsecondary instructor when he was in our Secondary Center's CMT program, in 2005. Guess who?
8 months ago, C-TEC
Noah Cooksey
Starts again in February!
8 months ago, C-TEC
Our postsecondary Professional Firefighter program recently celebrated graduation for the latest cohort. Congratulations to all! #skillsmatter
8 months ago, C-TEC
Fire grads
A pic from our new Welding lab. It is amazing, state of the art, and just plain awesome. We love it!
8 months ago, C-TEC
WLD lab
Here is to a great 2024!
8 months ago, C-TEC
New Year