Business at Granville

The Business Management and Administrative Services program (open only to Granville students) will prep students for technical and professional level careers in business management, human resources, operations management, distribution and logistics, supply chain and legal or medical office management.

Careers for which this pathway prepares students include: Business Information Specialist Customer Service Associate Distribution Manager Medical Billing and Coding Associate Office Manager Product Associate Project Coordinator Records Manager Small Business Owner Supply Chain Associate Training Specialist Transportation Manager
Post secondary majors for which this pathway prepares students include: Business Administration or Management Business Information Systems Entrepreneurship Human Resources Management International Business Medical Coding Office Administration Operations Management Project Management Supply Chain Management

GRANVILLE BUSINESS | classes will focus on the following topics

Human resources in business

Students will develop human resources strategies to obtain, retain, and effectively use talent throughout the organization. Students will utilize technology to create job applications, job descriptions, and job profiles to support the talent acquisition process. They will learn to recruit applicants, administer employment assessments, conduct background investigations, and make and communicate hiring decisions. Students will also develop employee handbooks and establish performance improvement processes. Rewards and recognition practices, relationship management and compliance will be addressed.

Business Management

Students will apply management and motivation theories to plan, organize and direct staff toward goal achievement. They will learn to manage a workforce, lead change, and build relationships with employees and customers. Students will use technology to analyze the internal and external business environment, determine trends impacting business, and examine risks threatening organizational success. Ethical challenges, project management and strategic planning will also be addressed.

Personal Financial Management

This is the first course for the Business and Administrative Services, Finance and Marketing career fields. It introduces students to specializations within the three career fields. Students will obtain knowledge and skills in fundamental business activities. They will acquire knowledge of business processes, economics and business relationships. Students will use technology to synthesize and share business information. Employability skills, leadership and communications and personal financial literacy will be addressed.

Strategic Entrepreneurship

Students will use innovation skills to generate ideas for new products and services, evaluate the feasibility of ideas, and develop a strategy for commercialization. They will use technology to select target markets, profile target customers, define the venture’s mission, and create business plans. Students will take initial steps to establish a business. Students will calculate and forecast costs, break-even, and sales. Establishing brand, setting prices, promoting products, and managing customer relationships will be emphasized.


This is the first course in the Marketing career field. It introduces students to the specializations offered in Marketing. Students will obtain fundamental knowledge and skills in marketing communications, marketing management, marketing research, merchandising and professional selling. They will acquire knowledge of marketing strategies, market identification techniques, employability skills, business ethics and law, economic principles and international business. Technology, leadership and communications will be incorporated in classroom activities.