ASPIRE -GED Classes / Adult Diploma
Orientation is offered monthly.
Call to schedule an appointment: 740-364-2266

Providing you with what you need to succeed!
Open the door to multiple avenues of bettering yourself and your financial potential. If you are interested in taking full-time classes here at C-TEC or other post- secondary institutions, you will need to have you high school diploma or Ohio High School Equivalence Diploma. Need help preparing to take the GED test? We offer several course options and guidance to start you on your path to success.
Although the GED Test is intended for adults 19 years old or older, waivers of age requirement are available in Ohio if the applicant is between 16 and 18 years old and not enrolled in a high school program.
In addition to GED readiness, we offer the opportunity for you to prepare for: college placement exams, college level coursework, workplace credentialing, and WorkKeys ® testing.
Program Content: Comprehensive education of the four GED testing subjects (Reasoning through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies).
Credentials offered: Ohio High School Equivalence Diploma (upon successfully passing exams).
Aspire class cost: FREE
GED Exams: Each Section $36.00. Each of the four sections are individually taken. Total for all four sections $ 144.00.
FOR ORIENTATION DATES & TIMES (You must attend the 2 day Orientation before you can begin classes.)
To sign-up for classes go to then click on the the Aspire picture. You may also call 740-364-2333 for assistance.
January 7th & 9th
April 1st & April 3rd
C-TEC GED Classes
T & TH 9am – 1pm
T & TH 3pm – 7pm
Ohio Means Jobs Site
Mon & Weds 8:30am - 1:00pm
Adult Diploma Program
The Adult Diploma Program at C-TEC’s Postsecondary Center is a new opportunity for any resident of Ohio who is 18 years old or older, and does not already have a High School Diploma or GED credential. Learning is student-centered, self-paced and begins with a Career Pathway in mind. From student orientation, career counseling, assessment and enrichment classes, to technical training that leads to an industry approved credential, this program is designed to provide support and promote success during and after graduation. Adult Diploma participants will receive their High School Diploma upon successful completion of the credential program, and acquiring the designated industry credential for their assigned program. The High School Diploma is issued by the State Department of Education.
While the program is offered at no cost to students, there are required commitments the student must fulfill to participate and continue enrollment in the programming.
Potential Adult Diploma students must sign-up for and complete a mandatory orientation through C-TEC’s Aspire Program. Students will receive an introduction to the program and C-TEC’s Postsecondary Center. They will be assessed using the TABE test (Test of Adult Basic Education), to determine placement in the program, open OMJ and Ohio SAFE Accounts, complete enrollment paperwork and individually conference with an Aspire Instructor in regards to testing results, goal setting and career planning.
After successful completion of orientation, ADP students will be referred to an Aspire Enrichment class where students will receive instruction to prepare them to take and pass the Work Keys Assessment. In order to be accepted into one of the approved C-TEC Adult Diploma Courses, a student must pass each section of the Work Keys testing (Reading, Math and Locating Information).Each program offering has its own Work Keys minimum score for enrollment. There are several program options to choose from.
C-TEC (Career and Technology Education Centers) has identified the following programs as eligible Adult Diploma Courses:
Informational Video about the Adult Diploma Program: Step by Step