Emergency Medical Technician

Contact:  Coordinator: Eric Burgess at 740-364-2298  eburgess@c-tec.edu


In partnership with COTC :
Learn all aspects of pre-hospital EMS including treatment and transportation, nature and extent of injury/illness, and basic and advanced life-saving skills – CPR, automatic external defibrillation and vehicle extrication.

Additional hours will be added for scheduled module testing. EMT National Registry testing will be scheduled following each EMT session. The off-site written exam will be scheduled on-line through NREMT.  The practical exam will be scheduled at C-TEC during class. Must meet course completion requirements to be eligible to take National Registry test. This will prepare you for an entry-level position as an EMT.

The EMT Program is 150 hours and  total cost is $1,997.00. Click here to see cost breakdown.

May 20, 2025

Tuesday & Thursday


Syllabus – Emergency Medical Training

Pre-hospital assessment, care, and transportation of the ill or injured Adult and Pediatric patient

Reading and interpreting the vital signs of a Medical and Trauma victim

Anatomy & Physiology as well as the Pathophysiology of the human body

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Pharmacology and subcutaneous auto-injection of epinephrine

Ten hours devoted to clinical internship

Emergency vehicle operator training

Written and practical testing throughout

Eligible students will sit for the
National Registry Exam